Koreans from the US, protesting WTO meetings in Hong Kong with Korean farmers... And writing about the experience.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

99.5 FM WBAI Interview w/Yul-san & Korean Farmer

The entire Asia Pacific Forum program can be heard by clicking here . Our part of the interview begins around 23 minutes into the playback...but the first 23 minutes is pretty kool too!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey zenny! Good job. Bet the water was colder than the picket line today. But we all had lots of strength and it helped to hear stories of WTO and sing movement songs.

No press til 30, what?

1:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to hear familiar voices. Mainstream news occasionally reports on demonstrations. The Korean farmers are definitely a focus.

Keep strong and warm!

Boston SPP

10:34 PM


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